Thursday, April 21, 2011

{embrace} the camera: april 21st

Today is someone's 1st birthday!  We took Evy to the Dallas World Aquarium today to celebrate and she LOVED it...EVERY.BIT.OF.IT!  We walked in and she would either tell the animals "Hi" or would go "Ohhh".  It was too fun!


  1. Happy Birthday, Evy!! You are such a joy. Grandpa and I are so blessed to have you as our granddaughter. You are precious! We love your smile and joyful spirit! I love this picture of you and your mother. You both are so beautiful.

    Love, Grandma.

  2. Happy Birthday sweet Evy! You have blessed all our lives and we love you bunches. It's hard to believe it's been a year since we pulled the all nighter when you were born. Always remember it was your 4 grandparents who stayed to the end with your mama and daddy until you made your debut! Speaking of mama and daddy - they are doing an awesome job being your parents! I thought they would neeever give me a grandbaby! Made me wait so long your cousin made me a grandmother first! But you were well worth the wait little Evy - such a happy, good baby, always smiling, a lot like your daddy was. We are so thankful for you and look forward to lots more bithdays with you!
    ~Love you!
