Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Steps

This past week Evy has learned to stand up on her own without any assistance.  She has even taken a couple of steps without holding on to anything.  Tonight Evy took 3 steps!

Have you seen the movie "Life As We Know It"?  When the baby begins taking steps the father figure in the movie pushes her down to stop her from walking.  Part of me wants to do this.  Is that bad?  While it's fun to see her grow and learn new things, I'm so sad that she is about to walk, because that means she is no longer my baby, but will be my TODDLER!  Really?!?  I am still in denial that she is 1 let alone that she will be walking any day now.


1 comment:

  1. Evy, you're amazing & so cute
    Love you & can't wait to see you.

