This weekend was great! Chad and I have been so busy the last couple of months that we have not been able to enjoy a lot of quality time together on the weekends. Also, Chad usually works on Saturdays to get overtime pay; and although I love that he is always willing to do this for us, I also miss him on those days when I'm at home, usually taking it easy. So, on Friday night I asked Chad if he would be willing to not work as long on Saturday so we could have a date night. He picked up a pizza, a movie, and the makings for banana splits, and we had a date night in, which is always my favorite times with Chad.
On Sunday we had a coworker of mine offer to give us a sonogram. Chad has been anxious the past couple of weeks to see the baby and to find out if we are having a boy or girl. We had the sonogram, but the baby would not turn right. The baby was super active (a best girlfriend of mine told me to drink
caffeine right before the sonogram so the baby would be moving, which I did, and she was right)! It was so amazing to see the baby's dramatic arm and hand movements as he/she waved to us. We were able to see the baby's profile, the spine, the heart beat, and even the kidneys. What an amazing miracle a baby is! And how wonderful it is that we are able to see this little guy/girl in action! We were a little
disappointed to not be able to find out the baby's gender, but we know we will find out soon.
Although these two events made for a great weekend, I would have to say this morning was the icing on the cake. I felt the baby move!!! It was about 5:00 am and I turned on my side and all the sudden I felt this fluttering in my belly. I can promise you, for those critics out there who might say it's too early for this, it was NOT gas NOR hunger pains. I know without a doubt it was our baby! It was the
weirdest most wonderful of all feelings and I can't wait to feel him/her again.