Dear Evy,
We are so enjoying watching you grow and learn new things. Everyone told us time flies with a little one and we are definitely experiencing that. We can't believe you are already 3 months old.
~You now weigh 13 pounds and you are 24 inches long~
~You continue to be in size 1 diapers, but it won't be long before
you are needing to wear the next size~
~You are wearing 3 month or 3-6 month clothes~
~You continue to love to "talk" to anyone who will talk to you.
You will gurgle and giggle and coo.
You've also learned to make a certain noise and
we will go back and forth making the noise with you~
~You now giggle and it is so cute! It's amazing how we will
do almost anything just to hear your giggles~
~Your smile is precious. You can now recognize us
as momma and daddy and will smile when you see us~
~You are now sleeping in your crib and my favorite time is when you wake up...
you are usually happy and will smile when you see me peak over the side of the crib~
~You are grabbing at objects in front of you and you hold on tight~
~You are so strong. You can sit up with some support and
you love to stand up while we hold on to your hands~
~You have discovered your toes and will
wiggle them as you stare at them in wonder~
~You are sleeping for at least 5 hours during the night,
wake up to eat, and sleep another 2-3 hours.
You take several short naps throughout the day and
a longer nap in the early afternoon~
~You are such a happy baby! You only fuss or cry when you're hungry or sleepy~
~You continue to LOVE to be outside.
We bought a porch swing and will take
you outside in the evenings to swing~
~You are so close to rolling over. Every time you are playing
on the floor we have our camera ready
just in case you decide that's the time to roll~
~Your personality is blossoming each day and you are so sweet.
When we tell you we love you your face just lights up with your beautiful smile~
~You are an observer, taking in the world around you~
We love you so very, very much and love watching you grow and change every day. It is so exciting to see what you learn to do each day. You're the best thing that ever happened to us!