Friday, October 2, 2009

11 Weeks

I am 11 weeks today. Right now the baby is just over 1 1/2 inches long (about the size of a fig) and is almost fully formed. The baby is already kicking and stretching and occasionally has the hiccups. Although it seems like time is zooming by and I am wanting to savor this pregnancy, I cannot wait until I can feel the baby move, which the books say will be another month or so. Although the doctor won't do another sonogram until I am 18-20 weeks, we are hoping to have a sonogram done at 15 weeks to see if we can tell what this little baby is...boy, girl, or still a "gingerbaby". I am still "car sick" most of the day and exhausted 24/7. My blood pressure is still a little high, but the doctor didn't seem too worried about it at this stage of the pregnancy. We go back to our doctor on the 14th for a check up. I am working on a post to share with you the stories of how we told our families about the pregnancy so check back soon! Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Steph, seems so unreal to hear you talk about your pregnancy. We are enjoying the journey with you and Chad. Hard to imagine our little girl is going to be a mother. What joy awaits you! Mom
