Tuesday, December 8, 2009

21 Weeks!

As I type out "21 weeks" it is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact I am half way through this pregnancy! Over the past two weeks my baby bump has really popped so it is more obvious I am pregnant. Chad comments on my growing belly every day and I think seeing my body change is making the pregnancy more real to him. We are going to begin taking a picture every week to see how much my body changes throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. So, here I am at 21 weeks... Evy is about 8 1/2 inches long and weighs approximately 12 ounces. She is becoming more and more active. Currently Evy is active for about 10 minutes around lunch time and is then active from about 8:30-10:00 every night. The other day I ate several pieces of Dove chocolate and a short time later it felt as though Evy was turning circles. She must love her Dove chocolate as much as her momma does!


  1. Cool! You seem like you are really enjoying your pregnancy! I am so glad! :) I enjoyed mine too and tried to make the most of it! Special times ahead...

  2. It has really been a great time...time I'm trying to savor. I love being pregnant...right now. :)
